Community » GSC & SSC



The GSC serves as the governing body of the School, ensuring that the mission and vision of the school, as outlined in the pilot school plan, is implemented. Parent participation, collaboration, and involvement in the GSC is vital.  Meetings are usually held the third Thursday of every month at 4:30pm via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. 

​Congratulations to the following 2024-2025 GSC Members:
Dr. Angela Killens - Principal
Aneesha Jones - Chair & School Personnel Member
Dr. AmberMarie Jones - Vice-Chair & Parent Member
Dauve Turner - Secretary
Lauren Turner - Parliamentarian & Parent Memeber
Ivan Gamble - Parent Member
Ashley Kennedy - Parent Member
Jessica Johnson - Parent Member
Ernieca Burnett - Parent Member
Lauren Carr - Teacher Member
Hannah Hudson - Teacher Member 
Malinda Jackson - Teacher Member Alternate
Danyielle Mc David - Asst. Principal
Jheri Murdock - Friends of Baldwin Hills & Community Member
Arian White - UTLA Chair


​The SSC is responsible for developing the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) which determines how Title 1 and other funds are spent at our school, and develops our comprehensive school safety plan. This council is comprised of parents, teachers, and staff.  
Meetings are usually held the third Thursday of every month at 3:30pm via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. 
​Congratulations to the following 2023-2024 SSC Members:
Aneesha Jones,  Magnet/Title 1 Coordinator 
Dr. Angela Killens, Principal
Dauve Turner, Parent Member
Beth Sanford, Parent Member
Sandra Odem, Parent Member
Lauren Turner, Parent Member
Kieran Smith, Parent Member
Kim Makin, Teacher Member
Lauren Carr, Teacher Member
Beverly Haywood, Teacher Member
Jacquelin Walker, Community School Coordinator