School Safety » School Safety

School Safety

The safety of our school community is of great importance!
We therefore have a Safety Valet Program to assist our families with morning drop-off. Parent volunteers keep this program running. If you are interested in volunteering weekday morning(s) please see Ms. Murdock in the Parent & Family Center!

8:00 A.M. TO 8:35 A.M

Special thanks to our current Safety Valet Volunteers
​Mr. Tillett, Mr. Jeff, Mrs. Robinson, and Mrs. Lytle!
Parents, please use good judgement when dropping off and picking up your children in the morning and afternoon.
​Please be advised:
  • Cars driving in our parking lots and streets need to go no faster than 5 mph.
  • Do not allow students to get in or out of the car in the street.
  • There is a stop sign on the corner of Sunlight and Ridgeley. Many parents are not stopping at this stop sign.
  • Do not park your car in the bus zone or the crosswalk. 
  • ​Do not call/motion for your child to cross the street between cars. Teach them to use the crosswalk.
  • The safety of our scholars depends on it. Thank you!!